Digital Delivery of Accounting Documentation
We use EZSort!


EZSort lets your clients turn in their accounting documentation in a way that practically eliminates the time usually spent on preliminary organization and checkups!

EZSort has a dynamic price per client and month, with no maintenance or other hidden costs!

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EZSort greatly facilitates the turning in and control of accounting documentation.

Help your clients remember what is still pending!

They will also appreciate the possibility of seeing preliminary reports even before you have made one single accounting entry!

EZSort increases the added value of your accountancy firm for your clients promoting the possibility of B2B opportunities...


EZSort puts at your disposal an invaluable tool for the intelligent accountant and will save you considerable valuable time when bookkeeping, thus increasing your firms competitivity.

The application also offers complete control over the process and workload as well as performance by your employees, thereby minimizing the possibility of incidents due to sick leave or absence.

And don´t worry, any current accounting program works immediately and with no extra costs with EZSort!